In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some basics on the common types of fence often used for businesses, plus which might be ideal for you. A fence often serves an important role in a business setting, and ensuring you have the proper quality materials is very helpful – and your choice here will often depend on the sort of setting your business is in.
At Utah Fence Warehouse, we’re happy to offer a number of fence types that are ideal for businesses, from chain link fences to iron, aluminum and other types. In today’s part two of our series, we’ll dig into some more of the typical settings business buildings find themselves in, plus which fence type and setup might be ideal in these standard settings.

Near Residential Areas
If your business is located near a residential area, chances are you’ll want to consider a fence that isn’t too imposing on the surrounding community. Chain link fences can work well here, as they still provide ample security while not being overly intrusive – plus they come in a variety of colors and heights so you can adjust them to your needs perfectly.
However, there are some other cases where privacy will be needed. Wooden privacy fences are a great option for this, and can provide an ample amount of security as well. They also provide some noise insulation – which can be great if your business produces noise, or if there’s noise from the neighborhood that you don’t want impacting your customers.
In Historical Areas
Some businesses happen to be located in historical areas or districts, with a lot of regulation around the fences that may be installed. Here you’ll want to look at iron or aluminum fences, as these are made to match the setting and often blend into the landscape – while still providing decent security.
These materials also tend to last longer than wooden or chain link options, so you’ll be able to enjoy the same fence for many years. Additionally, some come with a powder coating finish that can make them even more resistant to weather and wear over the long haul.
In Cities and Downtown Areas
For businesses located in cities and downtown areas, security is of the utmost importance – but you’ll also want to consider what your fence looks like. Here, a wooden or iron fence might be the best bet – with both providing ample security while still looking good.
Iron fences tend to be more expensive than their wooden counterparts, but they provide a level of security that can’t be matched. Plus, they’re often quite easy to install and maintain over the long haul.
No matter what type of fence you choose, it’s important to consider your setting and make sure you pick the right option for your needs. Here at Utah Fence Warehouse, we’re happy to help – so contact us today to learn more.