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A fence installation is a major project, one that many homeowners typically take on in the springtime, after the ground has thawed and no more snow is in the forecast.

Even if you’re not going to build the fence until it warms up more, you can take care of many tasks involved with the planning process. That way, you’ll be 100 percent ready to build on the first warm spring day.
fence options

Talk to Your Local Building Office

Before you consider any type of fence installation, always contact your local building office. Regulations on fence type and height may surprise you. Find out about the permit process. If you can apply in advance, it might be a good idea to start filling out that paperwork now.

If your neighborhood is governed by a homeowners association, you may want to check the bylaws for fence installation restrictions. You may only be allowed to build a fence on a certain area of your property. You may also be restricted from using certain materials.

It’s better to figure out what you’re not allowed to do before you make all your other decisions.

Discuss the Project with Your Neighbor

Be a good neighbor — knock on abutters’ doors and explain your plan for a fence. You will have to agree on where your property line is so you can make sure you’re building it in your yard, not theirs.

If necessary, hire a surveyor to properly map out your property line. Give neighbors a rough idea of when you plan on building so they’re prepared, not surprised, at your new fence installation.

Draw Out Your Plan

Next, make a physical sketch of your fence installation plan on a copy of your plot map. You will have to determine the dimensions of each section. Decide where you want to place gates. This plan will help you figure out if there are any obstructions in your path that need to be removed before the building starts.

You can also start planning how you will orient your landscaping around the new fence.

Pick Your Materials

Finally, decide on the details. When you think about materials, think about why you’re installing a fence. If you need privacy or want to keep your pets and kids safe, consider vinyl or wood fencing. If you want a decorative addition to your yard, consider iron fencing.

DIY or Professional?

Lastly, decide if you’re going to install the fence yourself or hire a professional to take care of the project. To build a fence on your own, you’ll need an inventory of tools and the knowledge to use them. Count the cost up front so you understand the full financial implications of taking on a project of this magnitude.

We Can Help

For a wide selection of fencing materials, fence installation rental tools and professionals you can hire to build your fence, contact Utah Fence Warehouse. We are here to meet your every need when it comes to building backyard fences.