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Staining a wood fence might seem like a huge project, but when you do the research on the why, when and how, you’ll be ready to take on this next DIY project as soon as the weekend comes around. Below is all you need to know how to keep your new wood fence beautiful and protected for years to come!

staining a wood fence

Staining Results in Gorgeous Durability

Staining a wood fence … is it really necessary? Absolutely, especially if you want to get the most out of your investment.

Your wood fence will take the brunt of many seasons of Utah weather. You want to protect it from rot and decay! Also, wood is the food of choice for many insects and parasites. Keep bugs and mold away with a durable finish. Staining a wood fence gives it the protection it needs to withstand the elements and infestations.

Also, a stain can lend a rich beauty to your fence, and you have control over the color and shade. You can find a product that matches or complements other exterior design features of your home.

How Soon Can You Stain?

If you’re installing a new wood fence, don’t nail it in place then immediately bring out the stain bucket and roller brush. It’s important to consider if the wood needs to cure.

Some types of pressure-treated wood need time to dry out before staining. Wood should be free of all moisture so it bonds better with the staining product.

While some suppliers give specific guidelines based on the type of wood and when it was cut and treated, as a general rule of thumb, you should administer the water droplet test before you stain. Drip water on the fence. If it beads up, it’s not ready for stain. If it is absorbed quickly, it is!

How Often Must You Re-Stain?

After staining, you should seal your fence at least once a year. Every three years, you should sand and re-stain the entire fence. While this measure of maintenance might seem like a lot, it’s a good use of your time and resources, because it will drastically extend the life of your fence.

Best Practices to Guide Your Project

Here are a few tips to keep in mind when your project gets underway:

  • While you might consider staining as an aesthetic improvement only, remember how much protection it provides for the wood. So make sure you stain both sides of the fence, as well as the top edge.
  • Before applying stain, pressure wash the wood and make sure it is free of all dirt and grime. Once it’s dry, then begin the staining process.
  • If you’re applying two coats, wait until the first is dry. But if you’re applying a semi-transparent finish, you only have to wait one hour after the first coat goes on.
  • Make sure you schedule your staining project for a day when there is no precipitation forecast for the next 48 hours.

Buying Supplies?

Do you need quality fence supplies? Then you need Utah Fence Warehouse! We sell beautiful products and give you plenty of tips on staining a wood fence as well.